

We specialise in all types of rental, whether you are looking for a family home, studio apartment or student accommodation, we have a wide range of properties to suit all budgets.

Parker Rose’s experience and local knowledge of the Sandwell and Black Country areaswill ensure the process of moving runs quickly and smoothly.

Why Use Parker Rose?

  • We arrange viewing times to suit you, to help our clients we can arrange viewing times after work hours and weekends making it easier for you.
  • We guarantee peace of mind, as we are licensed and fully regulated by TDS (the Tenancy Deposit Scheme) and the Property Ombudsman
  • All our properties are in good condition, and have EPC’s (Energy Performance Certificates), Gas and also Electrical Safety Certificates
  • We also have a fully qualified maintenance team, which will help you deal with maintenance issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Things to consider

  • Location: Is the property near a school if you have children etc.
  • Flat/house/studio/room: Is the property big enough to accomodate everyone who will be moving in?
  • Length of tenancy period: How long do you need/want to rent the property for.
  • Furnished or unfurnished: Do you want to buy your own furniture or would you like to move straight in to a furnished property?
  • Number of bedrooms, bathrooms, reception rooms: Does the property have all the facilities you require?
  • Off-street parking: Are you going to have to park your beloved car on the road or on a drive?
  • Garden: Does the property have a garden/is the garden the right size for you?

Why not search our range of properties for rental?

If you have any queries or would like further information about any of our services please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today, you can visit our contact page and fill out a quick contact form or you can call us directly on 0121 525 7076